Well today I had a bit of a downer. I finally got a bit of negative feedback. Seems like some people think the price is a bit too stiff, and my page looks a bit scammy. Great.
Well, I'm not a scammer. I am a Canadian man, with a full time job. I run a crane truck and deliver construction materials and move things around on site. I am literally here right now because I had a problem, I made a solution, a good one I thought, and wanted to see if others would be interested. I have had a TON of good feedback, especially from my fellow Canadians... But very few sales. That's also a form of feedback. Ok. I hear it.
I just want to say, I know the price is a bit high. But it's lower than I wanted. I know not everyone is gonna see it this way, but, its taken a lot to even get to where I'm at now. And that's a fraction of what its gonna take to make it to the finish line.
There is a lot of overhead. And risk. And failures. I have here a stack of steps, that didn't make it. Failures. I pay for that.
The price you see... That's the price of a few mouse clicks, and a solution to your problem appears. With no headaches. No failures. And no time lost.
So what do I do? I don't really know yet. I just think I'm gonna stay the course and take the night off, have a beer, chill. I'm listening to music while I write this, and what I'm listening to is UlfNilsson's Little By Little. It kinda helps boost the spirit I think.